ARCHIVE for We’re Out of Cornflakes
Site started September 4, 2017
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Are you on goofballs? Job interview And you can never serve on a jury 2 astronauts in space Peter showing how much fun he had
Shit works at an office Wait for marriage before having sex God has a plan Dad wants to change his son's life I hate my kids President James Garfield trivia Group Jesus is a hoarder Jellyfish in the water He tried to be a good dad America's greatest super hero Question for the man on the mountain First guy to die on Mars An odd first date Spelling bee Barry finally quit drugs Who took a dump on school grounds? He could paint the future Cremation God and Peter talk about tattoos The real dinosaurs Harold, you working out? Asking for money outside the store Ghost in sheet Halloween at the North Pole Rocket has issues Saved us from an alien invasion! I have the body of a 19 year old Fun classroom activity Monkeys paw wish Finding a dollar We will support our child no matter what Cool walk from explosion The death of Julius Caesar My dick could hit .204 God has some issues to address Someone here stinks She got a new Bible Finally reached the top of the mountain Grim Reaper fabric of his hood The Ballsackians Shit works at an office Wait for marriage before having sex God has a plan Junk in the trunk Doctor gets a special formula from aliens Caveman is a scientist You can't speak to me like that If you want to make God laugh… He accidentally killed his roommate Real story of the 3 little pigs Grim Reaper gets a new job Genie offers wish to complete idiot Cure for callousness Jerry texts a lot Another first in history Listen to your body Billy draws like a first grader Make fun of bully in 30 years Deciding if they should bomb earth Grim Reaper loves baseball Transgender can't participate in track meet One out of three people is ugly He invented the transporter Lincoln tries to write a speech In a running car in the garage Talk about the birds and the bees Breaking boards in karate class Thomas Edison's great invention Shows resume to get into heaven We're just poos Captain Champion vs Khab Looking up husbands web searches Would you buy a car? Charon runs into old high school buddy Grandpa - in my day things were made to last On the next season of True Detective Private peckerwood Egyptians worshipped cats Steven Seagal in "Hard to Love"
What job could you possibly get? Revolt on Santa Santa lights up the room A fight to the death Barry died suddenly Fliggins mixed the wrong chemicals Dream Control Center Someone thought about killing you Bumpy the chimp Snake talk The very first Thanksgiving God: Let there be Light! Cats want symbol of immortality Dinosaur sounds A new toilet Frankenstein's monster is a selfish brute Priest fights of vampire with his pee Son asks dad for help again Brain: you awake? Wishes to genie to be ruler of continent Do what you love to do. He's a rescue You're a big baby Medina, Medusa's sister Tall, dark and mysterious dating profile Insulting a group of people Worm wife asks a question Morning wake up Rock paper scissors to the death Do you want to hold my baby? Dreaming about his wife Morty the Xortonian gets all the Blockbusters Monkeys at typewriters Spread his remains at the stadium Footprints in the Sand Lawyer billboards Father out for cigarettes Brilliant scientist with billion dollar computer Becoming an explorer Batman's utility belt getting annoying Morty uses Earth sayings on posters His artwork will come to life A new P.O.W. Eve is tired of looking at Adam naked Batman fights the Sunburner Dating apps from hell Abandoned space ship we can use Robots put on plays with humans Aliens use computer to send missiles Ghost leaving messages again Another famous caveman invention God makes Adam a friend from his rib Young boy with rich parents The real Noah's ark How have the meds been working? Alien wants to be a comedian on Earth Robots have taken over One of those flat earther guys Meeting someone at the bank I want to be loved Come on brain, I need a clever line Do NOT date Beth Gripenstraw Peter complains about being bald Their females explode when they get mad He marries a Russian woman A tradition passed on from son to son 1st day as a ghost Genie grants his odd wish My roommate is a heathen I don't date smokers Terror at 30,000 feet Zortox, you're my best friend! Always wear clean underwear Caveman discussion Aliens check out earth's internet Selfish piece of shit Standing next to famous mobster Robin Hood has quit He always wanted to be on TV Memorial to stop others from dying there Noah story a little different A product everyone hates Aliens check out earth's internet Rain Acknowledger Man God loves Youtube Aliens study cats instead of humans The real Sleeping Beauty The Gates of Hell Bad news and good news Get out of today's test Miss Universe Pageant The Matrix Telling our jobs at the high school reunion The anti-stupidity shot On island, throws bottle out with message
Found the fountain of youth Bonzo the clown is home early Egglien One of you is an earth spy! Andrew Jackson was in 103 duels Nosetonians aliens sense of smell Aliens on a mission do not get lonely Heaven really is just a bunch of clouds He has lots of friends Zortolians will have the last word Looney at the park Making a deal with Satan The Bluntarians Gummy bear Dogs amazed at something Zombies during the zombie apocalypse Destruction of Groygon-7 God contacts the IT department Polar bears eat Deserted island with no food The Rumpzonians The swear jar Guy on island gets message in a bottle Fat lady with hot guy Kids have chalk for sidewalk Finally have a good life Lady surprised to go to hell Plane going down - seatbelt sign on Can I talk to you about Jesus A man and his sockpuppet Whale sounds No one more organized than me Secret agent: Do you expect me to talk? Man and his cat Guy asks genie for girlfriend Potato chip eaters anonymous Morty's alphabet million six letters Charon takes couple down River Styx Vito the cat God thinks Twinkies have no exp date Man spreads cheese all over his body Would you be the mother of my kids? Jesus was a carpenter Speed of covered wagons Genie: there is one rule What a little boy likes Jerry in school in his underwear Odd first date confession All noise is gone Kid caught doing drugs Basic shooting class Luke, I am your father If you work hard, son, you can do anything Urinal man Grandpa reads her Bible stories Where has God been lately? Genie grants peace on earth wish 2 birds fighting Wear in heaven what you had on when you died He's a patriot and flies his flag Who's the crazy one now, Beth? Aliens: don't make fun of our names Time machine goes back 15 minutes Dares to summon demon Guy asks for God's autograph in heaven First thing in heaven is to rewatch your life Gramps is a hardcore gamer Charon has to get a side gig Bubble Wrap Head aliens Harry is loud and opinionated Dracula dick pick Ghost strip clubs Dracula at a bar Harold gives God candy for Halloween Postal person and the endless questions Alexandre Dumas had one problem It'll give you wings Earthlings celebrate birthdays Guy with the smallest penis in the world Cement washes up on deserted island 1692: pulling a quarter from his ear Wants to die with a big crowd Cleans the house when people come Future self tells him to stop lying Santa sees everything Water falls on Santa rock: Million years to get to this spot Need an experienced tracker
Aliens kidnap Grim Reaper Hanging out with Death Robot on deserted island with old man Aliens had lots of sex with human God revises snowflakes Grim Reaper can't get a girlfriend Aliens get something from Earth Princess and the frog Billy is the worst student ever Celebrity Jeopardy Alien makes amazing pies Island with box of goods Hansel and Gretel Someone spying on me Down the River Styx with Charon again Enlargement pills lost Jesus has a rope for a belt Space weapons Common denominator Trex applies for a job Blind guy's new girlfriend Zoltrog helps out gang in fight Worst father ever Wants a glass house Astronauts dump 6 ounces from ship Will I go to heaven or hell Alien checking out license plates Dancing for the lord Ticket prices only one dollar for the game Taking a number 2 in the woods Working hard in the yard Aliens won't conquer dumb earthlings Aliens take muscly guy to their planet Sleeping cat, cannot wake Alien protocol is to make out with his wife Biggest bladder in the world Aliens with interesting names Genie grants kid's one wish Eat ass Grandpa talking to tombstone Grim Reaper clothes Tom Thumb 3 inventors get into heaven Barry butt dialed me again Sports teams asking for God's help He threw his steroids in the garbage bin Ratings to keep kids out of theater Aliens like earth golf courses Bad genie helps guy become lawyer Bad cats demon of mischief Lost in the desert Bees do great things Aliens abduct comedian Spike has to break some bones Scratch during zombie apocalypse Kid wants genie to hurt his bullies Billy eat your food Aliens- water on earth is deadly to them Washington on one dollar bill Useless super hero group Made it through the Forbidden zone Masturbate before decisions Big head aliens A cop behind me, slow down Medieval weapons going to party All hell broke loose Fish caught in six pack yoke Elephant Man 2 Message from alien race Dracula has a peanut allergy The Wereworm Dracula bladder the size of a peanut Dracula gets a back tat Dress up dog for Halloween Mountains kill more people than sharks Dogtonians left a box or rayguns New cat tree Jack and Jill Sticks and stones may break my bones Alien invasion list mixed with shopping list Invisible men fun times Blind date with elegant guy Cat on alien's ship Little drummer man Santa not happy with bad kids Santa can't remember Rudolph nose can enlighten the entire sky Little drummer boy magical white gloves Butterfly gang TVs through the years
To Serve Man Different types of Grims Gorilla at the zoo Everything you touch Breaking up with the Grim Reaper The Lost Boys Searching for oxygen Memory eraser will make me rich How pigeons pick their targets Giant aliens - don't eat me don't eat me Fortune teller: a hundred years from now Golf on Mars Robots in future Asking god for help Aliens need dumb humans for machine The Most Dangerous Game Giant aliens dump Let's have long lives! Friends with Alien kid Get out of presentation at work tomorrow Scented doggy bags Bad boy and woodpecker Caveman invention day Washington's ghost visits Lincoln Aliens hold off on finishing invasion Toilet paper covers in public bathroom A very important company Caveman launcher Cat sees ghost no one else can Secret Agent is retired Donate body to science The real Cinderella Greeting alien friends Prison cell hook up Hunchback of Notre dame How to remember things class The real Tarzan God makes new reasons to go to Hell Another anon group Thoughts and prayers to disaster Important job God has pizza Loose lips sink ships Watching scary movie with woman Only dumb people survive zombie apocalypse Passenger has problem on airplane Alien schlik pic Pirate captain plays scrabble with sailor Bad cats find a box God decides to make snakes cute and furry Horace & Myrtle meet a swinging couple Caveman invents bomb I love both of my boys equally Dinosaur creates liquid makes you immortal Aliens bad at math Wife is still cold Play Dave's 10 bucks in Las Vegas I go to concerts all the time Sue happy world Alien have the same goobers Alien and guy on deserted island together Invented fuel-less jet pack Viking deodorant In heaven, find out women who liked you Met older woman on tinder Deserted island find Alien Dodo birds Bum lady 50 years ago Ostriches can fly Alien gets English tattoo 30 years plus life in prison Alien scout at party before invasion Where is everybody? Who's a good boy? In heaven they see the websites you viewed Reading in bathrooms over the years Cat aliens offer a gift Time machine Grim reaper goofs up God not happy This 100 dollar bill Man on street gives son advice Spider web Aliens give anal probe Shark party Stick figures Aliens destroy planet God does a nice trick Aliens discuss Keanu Reeves Do you have the time? Jehova witness dog 1972 time machine Santa gives bad boy coal Airplane engine hits house Break in windshield
The Kommodians Aliens hesitantly conquer Earth The aliens only wanted one thing Scientists make important discoveries The Time Jumpers An island, a man and a mermaid I would watch idiots talk for hours Aliens who are also Christians Look up in the sky! Shampoo has an expiration date Sending thoughts and prayers An amazing liquor store When notice something about your girlfriend you never noticed before Having drinks with Death The first colonists on Mars New boyfriend has cold feet in the night How not to speak to your beloved A giraffe and his special leaves The true story of Little Red Riding Hood Bad Cats A the DEATH! If you talk the talk, you can get elected! Bad Cats 2 Stuff you find out when you get to heaven Losing stuff you don't want to lose at the circus Two sharks make a bet Myrtle wants something nice from Horace Treaty with aliens has complications Lady loves the cowboy The best Earth has to offer Loosening up the rules to get into Heaven Fish will grant one wish Getting to Heaven earlier than you thought Caveman job day Vultures get their prey Goldfish have short memories The real story of Goldilocks The fabric of Hell Guys who have a lot of stickers on their back window Other ways ghosts can scare you Even aliens use butt slang Some thugs extract some important info Remembering the great orators Buddies climbing a mountain Wiseguys having a conversation Mob Mentality Pirates digging for treasure Horace will put his mouth anywhere Cat writes a letter He's with Jesus now Fastest gun in the west God eliminates lying Aliens with lots of eyes Unluckiest person alive Mermaid has a twin sister Super hero source of power Homework loophole Aliens cut off power for invasion He learned hacking from the movies The REAL George Washington Braveheart Freedom Meeting martians for the first time What did you do to end up in hell? Kid going to prison Bad Cats 3 Bad kid reads for grandma Lady bugs hate their name Einstein gets a computer Bell invents the phone Math kid gets a genie Ghost turns annoying guy into a ghost Dr. Krango creates a monster Alien with big bazoongas Frankenstein meets the Wolfman Horace finds box of firecrackers in garbage Woman breaks up with Robot x17 Naked man talking about orgies Guy named Peeping Tom Burn witch at the stake Elephant Man Overheard a discussion on the plane Icejerks Iceberg gang Wheel of fortune
Grandpa had one of those dreams Alien baby trade Playing ping pong against God When the Grim Reaper says "you gotta go..." Why do I always thank the cop for the ticket? A big fear I have about my dog A good secret agent can get out of anything Another reason cops have body cameras The aliens have a plan for their prisoner Hell is hell Crack addicts will do anything for crack Bull gets a little payback Cheating ghost Killing baby Hitler Worst cake maker ever - or is she? The suspect is naked! Found a cure! Beethoven originally had lyrics for his famous piece "For Elise" Depressed man at the bar Dracula and the Wolfman are friends again Hell is hell: Demons having fun Aliens looking for a new sport Tell her...tell her I love her I pay your salary! The proper way to protest The original ending of "Titanic" Cheap robes in heaven Smoked a lot Why is Grandma afraid of new technology? Hell is hell: What happens to suicide bombers The Butterfly Catchers What they always say when a famous musician dies Mountain meets Volcano The Invisible Man Exploring a new planet Hell is hell: Never upset the wife Horace & Myrtle: Where to find cheap gas At the museum Is that a teardrop tattoo? Ghost gets dirty for the first time People who dumb stuff on video First day as a zombie Hell is hell: The Texter Angry kid's parents made a time machine Another day on the River Styx Horace & Myrtle: Horace makes lots of sacrifices for Myrtle The true story of Jack and the Giant A bear in the woods enjoys a snack Alien in the old west Confession on a fishing trip Rich woman buys cable news network Hell is hell: Signing Death A man and a chicken are on an island... The genie of regrets How all massages should end The beginning of the end for Abe The Butterfly Effect The enlargement ray finally works The cats like hanging around the lab Aliens email earthlings to determine if they're kind Learning stuff from Dad You never know when you will die Aliens give an ultimatum Mistake on job interview First words uttered on Mars Hell is hell: John Wilkes Booth's job in hell Women who pluck their eyebrows out Going after a politician The REAL spiderman Knowing the soil the on Mars Making up words in Scrabble Teach your children well Getting all your demands when you have hostages The Last Man on Earth When you have speakers in every inch of your car The bear family who has it all Dracula and Wolfman play a prank Ghost gets preoccupied during a scare He has a hot wife and no one believes it The 7th Voyage of Sinbad revisited Very sacred ground How cowboys get their nicknames Ghosts do not care who they scare The Astronaut Body Snatchers Young hooligan busted Meeting up with the probation officer Robin Hood makes some changes Enter the Drag On Santa and Dracula work together Alien scout in for a surprise Another gunfight in the old west
A brave pilot saves the day Conversation in the living room Another industry the millennials killed You are not my father! Yes, there is a heaven What really happened that night at Ford's theater An old west gunfight Welcome our new alien friends! Another tale of survival during the zombie apocalypse How teams win championships Important After School special about bullies An Important Astronaut Chimp A gift from our alien friends Questions for God Alive! Atomic Robot 6 has escaped Message on the Moon Good magazines in prison A day on Monkey Island If Lincoln could hear you First day as a ghost Original unseen version of Frankenstein (1931) What some lions do in Africa Men who argue Overworked vets Offer from our alien friends Morons who blast music from their car Amish fun Sweet little kitty The evictor Time magazine has been bought Rhino request Good Ol' Uncle Bill Getting lots of college degrees Yet another super hero group The true story of the Three Wise Men The Ghost of Christmas Future - what really happened Alien language similarities to English